
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sequential Homeopathy pointers.

Some of my close friends have asked me  about how and when to ask for specific remedies from their homeopaths. In this post I will be including some basic strategies to keep in mind when working with a homeopath who will understand your child's individual needs.

  1. Make a list of the most problematic health issues your child has ,obvious things like, doesn't sleep well, anxiety,aggression,constipation, elopement,extended belly, sensitive to sounds, etc and ask the homeopath to give you "support remedies". Support just means they will help make it easier for you to get through the day with your child while you are treating the underlying cause.
  2. I knew Hasan had inflammation because we tested him for it and the numbers were sky high, so I asked for a remedy to reduce inflammation because I did NOT want to  give him any prescriptions. 
  3. Payers patch is a good one for our kiddos who don't absorb their food and don't grow much. I asked the homeopath myself to make sure there was something to help with it..That helped with aggression a bit.  As I believed that whenever he ate he started hitting his head does cause discomfort for him...what else could I do ? Not feed him ? So that was very important.
  4. Thymus support, we were on it biomedically but there had to be something in homeopathy as well, there is you just have to ask.
  5. Be stubborn and ask for what your child needs, even if they are simple things so you get what you need, it will make a difference.
  6. I wrote a timeline, of events and traumas that happened in Hasan's life so it would give me a clear Map on how to gauge my way through clearing the incidents to get his immune system up and running. So use that as a guide , add or takeout what is needed, do not hold back.
For example we saw Dr. Sudhir Gupta and he recommended IVIG for hasan but I just could not get the funds together so I asked my homeopath for something to help in the meantime and they recommended Gama globulin,it does almost the same thing as Intravenous Immuno globins but it  is NOT a blood product so there are No sideeffects. It is NOT a replacement but it helps, until you can afford $5000 everymonth. Any other questions email me for sure :) I would be glad to share. On a side note as a mom to all my mama warriors, dont stop ! keep going ...there are things that need to be done...and your the one who needs to do them. Also give yourself some time too spend it with your best friend .....or someone you love and cares for you back wont be sorry ... you'll be surprised on the strength it gives you. :)

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