
Thursday, July 29, 2010


DR.JAQUELYN MCCANDLESS   I just dont understand why my DAN doctor does not do the

Difflucan with an anti bacterial.Shouldnt they be done together I feel like we

are creating aggression as few weeks after stopping antifungals.. please suggest

Her Anwer:

I cannot help what your doctor wants to do, other than suggest you show him page

99 where I suggest treating the yeast and clostridia simultaneously. This

avoids the "yo-yo" effect of first yeast then bacteria then yeast again etc.Â

You could use hi-potency probiotics and some natural anti-yeast and

anti-bacterial agents also, such as citrus seed extract, candistatin,

kandidaplex, Kaprycydin-A etc. if you cannot get a prescription. And of

course, ask for an organic acid urine (OAT) dysbiosis test to show that he does

indeed have both yeast and bacteria; I think they both need to be addressed.Â

Dr. JM

Starting Difflucan Today..

Today is a day that has been long awaited... we have been trying to support Hasan's high liver enzymes to make his liver healthy enough to try a systemic antifungal for the past 8 months. This is such an important step towards his recovery since he constantly has high levels of Candida is his stool cultures. This is his 3rd antifungal, we need to out in place for treating the fungal infection he has.
I have removed all kinds of sugar from his diet as it was feeding the yeats beast , everytime, so no honey or  sugars ... maybe some cooked dilted pear sauce 3 times a week for now until we can win this battle to kick the yeast out once and for all this time. Im also thinking about adding in a yeast support enzymes which works naturally to help the diffluca dissolve the fungal cell wall to actually finish of organism.
Kiling the fungas in his system will help his immune system to regulate itself to fight the other things like viruses and other toxins.
The whole point of this protocol is to bring the Immune system  into balance, help his body rid the fungas,which is obviously way more complex than we can imagine....lets do this .... one step at a time ... let this layer onf the autism onion be peeled away !Inshallah!
The link below will give you lots of information which is by medical doctors .... who treat autism ... all of this can be very overwhelming when you just start reading so ... the link below has slide which will help you understand what supplements help what conditions...
good luck !!
Today was one of the most difficults days in a long time.... hasan had a bad day with IBS like sympotoms. I think tommorow we need to keep his food simple with lighter options and nothing fried.
I used a different brand of stevia from whole foods ... maybe it has some cc issue ( cross contamination)
Will change it up tommorow and see how he does, He has not been on his B's lately which I think is causing the MB12 to create a shortage ... I gave him 3 drops of super nuthera with his morning avacado smoothie...Husband said he had good eye contact and he was happy to make the line at school as well.... ahh this is something good .. not huge ... but good.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Transitioning to SCD diet ..

We are now in week 3 of the transition into the specific carbohydrate diet. This diet is specifically designed to prmote healing for people with severe GI and malabsorption issues. Since we have been restricting all grains and hasans GI issues and food allergies were always getting worse, I wanted to give this diet a shot.
One thing I know is that on this diet you cannot cheat, just the the GFCF diet you have to follow through or there is no point to even step into it.
Now after introducing all meats and veges into hasans diet .. the only thing left to take out is steivia ... its a plant based sweetner which is not legal on the SCD diet. So now my choices are either honey or well cooked home made pear sauce. Im thinking pear sauce but lets see what I do. Since rotating foods is also very essential from opreventing future food intolerances migh have to consider both in limited quantities since yeast is a major issue with Hasan still.Im hoping in the newxt week we can decide and go into SCD full fledge! Ill keep you posted...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy 1.75 Atm. 40 dives

We have completed 40 dives of the hard chmaber oxyegen therapy at california hyperbarics in Irvine california. Which I had long waited for and finally saved up to do so. This was a difficult two months, I can tell you that much.
But as you know Hasan has so many gut and digestion related problems that me and our DAN! doctor Dr John Green, thought hasan would be a good candidate for it.
I have tried every diet on the planet, being a Nutritionist and studying biomed book for the past 3 years ( which seems like a century) his GI problem have improved but are still profound.
I did NOT see any imporovement during the therapy itself. We completed two months at 1.75 ATM and nothing !!
But low and behold !!!! wait for it ..wait for it ...there has to be a wow rite ? well there is....on exactly the eleventh day ..yes 11th day after stopping treatment ( that is when the blood vessels connect and make new cells in the brain) ...Hasan had no Receptive language..
For those of you who dont know what receptive language is is when i talk and you receive, so the input you receive basically, he had NONE....none at all......zilch I tell ya...
I used to ask every one with a child ..and they said it takes years....
I said what ? years ....and the answer was yes have to "program" their brain...
I mean WHAT ? HOw many things ...phrases can we possibly " teach " him ?
You gotta be kidding..
But ....on the 11th day was visiting I wanted to seem more "normal" and out of the blue ...asked Hasan .." Hasan where your doggy book?"     Knowing he wouldnt have clue of what  just said to him......and i forgot about it and 2 minutes later ...he came running from his room...WITH his doggy Book !!!! I send salwaat on this one so many times you wont even believe it..
I trumbled but managed to breath and get to the home phone dial my husbands number to tell him ..that He understood what I jus said to him .....he understand us !!!
Thank you HBOT !! I shall forever believe in miracles.swt!