
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

For the love of food.....

I have been meaning to share some amazing recipes for a while, that I have collected over time. Tonight I finally was able to sit down and type. The first recipe I call it, Pumpkin Halwa the kiddos loved it. If your little one loves anything kinda like gummy bears/thick jello ( hard to describe) they would love this. Heres the recipe:
Pumpkin 2 Cups Chopped
Honey/agave nectar 1/3 Cup or less 
coconut milk 1/2 cup
Green Cardamom 1
coconut butter 5 tbs 
Cashews 10 Optional
Raisins 8
1 pack knox gelatin powder ( or whichever one you use)

This recipe is very forgiving you can add or take out according to whatever your taste or diet requires. Fry the chopped pumpkin or acorn squash up until slightly browned up. Add all the ingredients that remain except the gelatin powder. Cook for 15 minutes on low. Turn the heat off and mix the gelatin in 3 tbs of water and mix it really quickly in the cooked pumpkin mixture.Pour the mixture into the desired shape pa. Kids love food they can hold and eat so get creative. Let it set for two hours then chill. If you cannot use the above sweeteners you can try stevia as well as long as you don't cook it.

Pink Diamonds this one is really good I love it specially since it is Ramadan and I miss home soo much. My dadi aka grandma would love this one. it has cashew milk , rose water, vanilla , honey and gelatin powder. If your into agar agar you can use that. But I used gelatin powder which is allowed on the SC diet plus its more gut healing asd well. 
2 envelopes Knox gelatin powder
11/2 cups cashew milk/coconut milk ( you can use a thicker milk substitute here)
2 tsp rose water 
4 tbs honey/ or stevia powder or pear sauce 1/2 cup
few drops vanilla.
Heat cashew / coconut milk till bubbling. Close the heat. Then mix the gelatin powder with 3 tbs water till dissolved. Mix everything together and let it set. Chill for a few hours. This one is really good for really hot days. Rose water is very soothing for the stomach. You can find it in ethinic stores  . I get it from and Indian store in Irvine for $2 its nothing expensive ! do try it :)

Chicken Satay...
1/2 lb chicken tenders.
1/2 lime.
1/2 tsp peanut or sesame oil.
pinch of fresh grated ginger and umeplum vineger 1/2 tsp.( whole foods)
Marinate chicken with with the above ingredients for two hours. Heat up some extra oil any kind you use . I used coconut oil. You don't have to use skewers :) . Fry them up on both side till well cooked and serve with a dipping sauce of choice.
We made a pinenut butter and ginger/lime dipping sauce pretty simple. 
3 tbs pinenuts ( trader joes)
2 tbls light tasting oil
salt and a few drops lime. Blend it up , then top with a tiny bit of ginger. I use ginger since it helps with digestion, if your kids don't like it don't use it! or you can get them familiar with some of the healing spices.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Screw the funding for aba..Ill just get my own..

So getting a good behavioral therapist is one issue but getting enough ours funded is another. I have finally added a new member to Hasan's team. She is going to be working with Hasan one on one for and additional 8 hours per week. This is helpful these days specially since I have not been able to function 100%. so 23 hours per week from the regional center and now 8 more...31 hours per week not 40 yet but will get there too. My goal is to have Hasan in full time therapy 40 hours per week. Plus school, social skills and speech therapy. He needs this extra push rightnow.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sequential Homeopathy pointers.

Some of my close friends have asked me  about how and when to ask for specific remedies from their homeopaths. In this post I will be including some basic strategies to keep in mind when working with a homeopath who will understand your child's individual needs.

  1. Make a list of the most problematic health issues your child has ,obvious things like, doesn't sleep well, anxiety,aggression,constipation, elopement,extended belly, sensitive to sounds, etc and ask the homeopath to give you "support remedies". Support just means they will help make it easier for you to get through the day with your child while you are treating the underlying cause.
  2. I knew Hasan had inflammation because we tested him for it and the numbers were sky high, so I asked for a remedy to reduce inflammation because I did NOT want to  give him any prescriptions. 
  3. Payers patch is a good one for our kiddos who don't absorb their food and don't grow much. I asked the homeopath myself to make sure there was something to help with it..That helped with aggression a bit.  As I believed that whenever he ate he started hitting his head does cause discomfort for him...what else could I do ? Not feed him ? So that was very important.
  4. Thymus support, we were on it biomedically but there had to be something in homeopathy as well, there is you just have to ask.
  5. Be stubborn and ask for what your child needs, even if they are simple things so you get what you need, it will make a difference.
  6. I wrote a timeline, of events and traumas that happened in Hasan's life so it would give me a clear Map on how to gauge my way through clearing the incidents to get his immune system up and running. So use that as a guide , add or takeout what is needed, do not hold back.
For example we saw Dr. Sudhir Gupta and he recommended IVIG for hasan but I just could not get the funds together so I asked my homeopath for something to help in the meantime and they recommended Gama globulin,it does almost the same thing as Intravenous Immuno globins but it  is NOT a blood product so there are No sideeffects. It is NOT a replacement but it helps, until you can afford $5000 everymonth. Any other questions email me for sure :) I would be glad to share. On a side note as a mom to all my mama warriors, dont stop ! keep going ...there are things that need to be done...and your the one who needs to do them. Also give yourself some time too spend it with your best friend .....or someone you love and cares for you back wont be sorry ... you'll be surprised on the strength it gives you. :)

Is this PANDAS ...?

So for all; of you that don't know what PANDAS it is the short for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections. The term is used to describe a subset of children who have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)! I don't what is going on but I have a monster in my hands.....At the moment I have dropped ALL supplements for Hasan...I mean all of them. He seems 20% calmer I think ? Well its a a start. My son went from a sweet loving little fella, to an aggressive, kicking punching and screaming little boy. That was the most difficult thing to go through. Specially when I was doing it alone... Things are very rocky with me and his dad this has been all in all a very tough month. Dr.Green just prescribed something for hasan it is call , metro benzoate , I think it is for parasites and bacteria. Have not started that yet. So lets see what it does, researching a bit now ..Stay with me for an update and some really good pointers for sequential homeopathy and some yummy recipes we gotta share some food love :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Obsessed a little?

Haa!! You think ..? I have been dealing with Hasan's HUGE .....I mean HUGE  OCD's lately ...he is become a hoarder ..if you don't know what that means .....Let me explain a little..So everything in Autism is way more intense than in a regular little child. Hasan has been carrying around every type,size ,make and model of everything Lion/tiger like...this is a disaster! He always liked to carry little toys in his hands that was normal a little atleast when he was 2..but now its like the big kahuna of that behavior....I am so upset,sad,angry and helpless. His behavioral team has suggested interventions to reduce or eliminate this problem. But the therapist are here 18 hours  week. Guess who has to follow through the rest of the time ...who else ? MEEEEE of course ..I am the mom ...I have to do its been 12 days 4 hours of sleep each night and hiding his little toy obsessions 24/7. Why has the OCD increased 10 fold ? The two new things started was EDTA suppositories and earth dragon supplement. I think Iam pulling the plug on those to see what happens today..enough is enough ...or are we dealing with Strep !? Calling up the Doc this morning to find out (hoping he'll have a n answer).......You do know there's a gut brain connection don't you ?